Saturday, February 20, 2021

Ghost motocycle?


mota paranormal fantasma

Footage of a motorcycle moving and falling over on its own has been doing the rounds on social media.

The intriguing clip, which was reportedly filmed back in December before being picked up and shared online, shows a quiet street in India with two motorcycles parked at the side of the road.

At around the 15-second mark on the video, one of the motorcycles suddenly starts to roll forward without explanation before collapsing in the middle of the road a few moments later.

Little is known about the footage other than that it was posted on Twitter by user Amber Zaidi.

"Recorded on camera, otherwise no one believes," a translation of the caption reads.

The footage has since generated tens of thousands of views and hundreds of comments, with users speculating over whether or not the culprit was paranormal in nature.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

A Glitch in the Matrix


glitch  in Matrix

A new and interesting documentary will appear that addresses the Simulation theory, Matrix, Holographic Reality.

It is titled "A Glitch in the Matrix", produced by Rodney Ascher. It has good special effects to illustrate the concept, it mentions the famous science fiction author Philip K. Dick who decades ago already suggested that we live in a simulated world.

The documentary also makes reference to the Matrix trilogy, including interviews with well-known characters like Nick Bostrom, Chris Ware, among others.


Official website.