Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Universe responds to Frequencies

Did you know that your thoughts and emotions generate frequencies to which the universe responds?

It is as if we are all emitting radio signals that go out into the universe and match us with anything on the same wavelength, bringing to us the circumstances and resonating events that make up our lives.

The signals you emit are composed of your thought-form patterns, emotions, feelings, your own aura emits a personal energetic signature.

Believe me, it has the power to affect your experiences by paying attention to what you focus on. This is where your power lies. If you are focused on the negative aspects of your experience, you will create more of it, which you will focus on and create more, and so on, in a vicious cycle. Fortunately, this also works the other way around!

Choosing to focus on the positive aspects of any experience will create even more positive aspects that you can focus on and continue to attract more positive experiences. Even if you can find only one positive aspect in a situation with many other aspects, continue to choose to focus on the positive, you will soon see improvements in that situation.

It is a gradual and continuous process. It works!

Just because something is one way doesn't mean it should stay that way! Just because you've had bad situations in the past doesn't mean you're bound to have more in the future. If you don't like it, know that you have the power to change it. Know that you can create more if you wish.

Focus more energy on your dreams rather than your fears.

Gradually changing your perception to include more than you like will open the spectrum of opportunities.

Sílvio Guerrinha

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